Sztárok, celebek A-tól Z-ig * * * Sztárgalériák
Női sztárok Férfi sztárok Együttesek
A-Á B C-Cs D E-É A-Á B C-Cs D E-É A-Á B C-Cs D E-É
F G-Gy H I-Í J F G-Gy H I-Í J F G-Gy H I-Í J
K L M N-Ny O-Ö K L M N-Ny O-Ö K L M N-Ny O-Ö
P Q R S-Sz T-Ty P Q R S-Sz T-Ty P Q R S-Sz T-Ty
U-Ü V W X-Y-Z 0-9 U-Ü V W X-Y-Z 0-9 U-Ü V W X-Y-Z 0-9


* Cikkek (scan)

Kim Myung Soo (2010.06.10. Junior Magazine)

2010.06.10. 12:26

L (18)

Q74. Meaning of ‘L’?
‘L’ doesn’t mean just one thing! L has a lot of meanings so think about it. ^^ (it’s not the [Korean] letter ㄴ!!)
Q75. Best looking member of the group?
All the members have their own style and charms….but if you had to choose one wouldn’t it be me.
Q76. Confidence? Pride? Who’s the most self-confident?
Woohyun hyung!!! He’s a bit conceited sometimes.
Q77. If you were a girl what Infinite member would you date?
Dongwoo hyung? If I were a girl I might fall for his 9999-dimensional personality unbeknownst to me.
Q78. What can you not stand?
Playing with food. You should think of the person who made the food!
Q79. What do people think of you?
My first impression might seem cold, but I can be your closest friend!
Q80. Something you’re asked a lot by people
‘Are you usually untalkative and curt?’ No! If you keep talking to me you will discover a different me.
Q81. Body part you’re most confident in
Eyes. I can stare deep into someone else’s and they’re charming!
Q82. Something you can do really confidently
Exercise. I like playing ball usually so if you throw me a ball I can play all day.
Q83. What’s your display message on your cell?
Enjoy this moment right now!
Q84. The 39th text message in your cell?
Fighting! We’re all rooting for you! -from a high school friend-
Q85. Most embarrassing moment?
When the entire school was gathered for a morning assembly and I accidentally yelled.
Q86. Where would you go in the future or past with a time machine?
Rather than the past, I’d go to the future and see what’s been improved.
Q87. A moment out of my life that was like a movie
My whole life is like L’s movie. Even this interview will be one scene in my movie.
Q88. A secret dream of yours
A photographer. Photographs let you recall past memories. I want to remember ourselves like this through a photograph.
Last words
We’re Infinite, a group soon to debut! We’ll prepare well, please keep interest in us!

Lee Sung Jong (2010.06.10. Junior Magazine)

2010.06.10. 12:15

Lee Sung Jong (16)

Q89. Hardest part of being a macnae
There’s nothing hard particularly~!!
Q90. The hyung who makes life hard for you and the most angelic hyung you wish were your real brother?
They’re all very sweet and no one makes life hard for me; they all take care of me well >_< ♥ They’re all like my real brothers.
Q91. Something the hyungs do that makes me seem older
When they keep insisting they’re right.
Q92. Something the members would blurt out that would be surprising?
All the members love me!!!
Q93. Something that makes you realize you’re still young?
When the hyungs think of something in depth but I think of it really simply.
Q94. Have you had your first love yet?
Not yet.
Q95. A date location you’d like to go to if you had a girflriend?
I’d want to eat a lunch that my girlfriend made me and have an intimate chat with her.
Q96. If aliens really existed?
I’d want to be their friends and go play in space, dance with them, and get closer to them while eating.
Q97. What do you want to do first when you become an adult?
Get my driver’s license.
Q98. If someone tried to recruit you with a really good proposition?
I’d have to think about it~~ just kidding. I’d dutifully stay with the company and my hyungs!!
Q99. Times when you yourself think you look good
Looking in the mirror after I shower in the morning.
Q100. What kind of person do you think you are?
Someone walking step by step towards my dream.
Last words
You might not be used to us now but we’ll become a better Infinite that everyone will know!! ^^ ♥

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Keresés az oldalon www
Kim Sung Kyu - True Love

Spotify  iTunes

Nam Woo Hyun feat. TAG - Hold On Me   ♪




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